Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Movie Collector

So, I've been conducting an inventory of my apartment, and I am somewhat shamed to admit that I just logged my 1667 DVD/BluRay.

Yes, even I was a bit surprised at the number.  One Thousand, Six Hundred and Sixty Seven titles.  Granted, when you work in video stores for 16 years, you tend to acquire some of your own inventory.  Most were purchased at good deals, (or won for trivia knowledge), but I just cant seem to stop buying.


And that number doesn't include films on OTHER mediums, like digital copies or LaserDisc or even. (gulp) VHS. (Yes, even I still have a few of those barbaric relics laying about.) but still, this means that I could conceivably watch a new film every night for four and a half YEARS with no repeats.

The question now becomes, does anyone REALLY need this many movies?  I mean, there are some nights that I don't watch a film at all.  Some of the films on the shelf are ones I have seen several times, and some of them are ones I have never watched, just bought on someone's say so and never got around to them.

Please tell me I'm not the only one with this problem!  Is there a movie buying group or program I can check myself into?

Hello, my name is Shaun, and I have a problem...

1 comment:

  1. I once typed up a list of all the books my oldest son owned. He was 2 years old at the time, so imagine my surprise as the list moved into the 800s. Oops. We've sold a lot of our movies over the last few years, but books are entirely different :)
