Thursday, December 6, 2012

That's All Folks!

Thus ends this Ka-Tet's excursion in to all things geek.  At least for the semester. I hope you enjoyed the journey, and if you'd like to continue, look to follow my website SunStorm Entertainment.  Goodnight, and have a pleasant tomorrow!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The Fox Resurrection List

This year marks several anniversaries, not the least of which is the 25th anniversary of the Fox broadcasting network.  Geeks among us know that Fox is both savior and devil when it comes to science fiction and niche television, having given us good stuff like The X-Files, and giving us heartbreak by canceling Firefly.  

I joked with a friend once that if SyFy (the sylli spellying network) was really looking for new content, they should look no further than the refuse bin behind the Fox lot, as the network consistently develops interesting ideas for shows, gets them on the air, then aborts them before they have a chance to gestate, grow up or even gain a following.  Most of them would be ripe for a relaunch.
Here are just a few...
The Adventures Of Brisco County, Jr. (1993) - A Western/sci-fi/comedy/action series starring Bruce Campbell and John Aston from the writers of Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade?!?  How could this NOT work?  Oh yeah, it was on Fox. On Friday nights. (Have we learned nothing from Star Trek's cancelation? Obviously we're home watching TV on a friday night.)  Despite being on (and winning) TV Guide's Save Our Shows campaign that year, Brisco went the way of the dodo.  Granted, the network did give it a full season, 27 episodes before pulling the plug...
Alcatraz (2012) - From Lost creator J.J. Abrams, all the prisoners and guards disappeared from Alcatraz island in 1963, and are suddenly reappearing in modern day San Francisco. Despite ten million viewers on the pilot and one of eight series to be listed "most exciting new series" by critics, Fox pulled out after only 13 episodes.
Alien Nation (1989) - Based on the film about a shipload of alien refugees who wash ashore on Earth seeking asylum, very high minded sci-fi.  Perhaps this should be listed among the successes for the network, as it had strong ratings throughout it's 22 episode run, and was only canned by execs after a financial shortage caused them to cancel ALL of their dramatic shows for the year.  Five years later, Alien Nation returned in a series of TV movies to wrap up the loose ends from the cliffhanger.
Brimstone (1998) - A police detective goes after and kills the man who raped his wife, then gets hit by a bus.  He goes to hell for the crime, but when 113 of the most depraved souls imaginable escape back to earth, the devil makes a deal for him to go after them.  Only 13 episodes of this fantastic gritty show were made, but of course, it aired on a Friday, so it was doomed from the start.
Dark Angel (2000) - From James Cameron, director of TERMINATOR and ALIENS (and later TITANIC and AVATAR), Jessica Alba stars as Max, a genetically engineered soldier on the run from a shadow government in post apocalyptic America. The show did great for it's first season... and then Fox moved it to Fridays.  Guess what happened?  Yep, the ratings went into the toilet and the show was canceled after 43 episodes.
Dollhouse (2009) - If there's anyone that Fox clearly loves to dump on, it's Joss Whedon.  Oh, maybe they'd feel differently now, canceling a show from the man who wrote and directed THE AVENGERS to over a billion dollars, but back in the day, they killed his work not once but twice. This was the second time, when Eliza Duskhu stared as a programable human being (or doll) for an elicit organization. 26 episodes spread over 2 seasons allowed Whedon to tell a truncated version of the story... on Friday nights before it was canceled.
Firefly (2002) - This is THE ONE, the holy grail of canceled shows.  A sci-fi/western about a ship of ner-do-wells struggling to make ends meat.  How is it that we are still talking about, debating and lamenting the loss of Joss Wedon's Firefly ten years later?  Only 14 episodes were made, 11 of them shown (of course on Friday nights) and out of order to boot.  So how did this show survive?  DVD sales for one, a rabid fan base for another. But ultimately it comes down to the fact that it is a fantastic show, with well written, well conceived characters that's fun to watch. I've introduced nearly everyone I know to Firefly, and not one of them have come away from the series with a sour taste.  Everyone universally loves it.  Except for Fox.  Eventually Universal stepped in to make the movie SERENITY, which provided an end to the series, but Browncoats still aren't satisfied, and talk is afoot over at Netflix and Space Network about reviving the show.
Harsh Realm (1999) - Chris Carter followed up his success with The X-Files with not one, not two but three shows on this list that Fox canned.  This is the third, (and arguably weakest) about humans trapped inside a virtual reality simulation.  Nine episodes were created, only three aired.  On Fridays.
The Lone Gunmen (2001) - Chris Carter struck again with this spin off from The X-Files about three conspiracy theorists battling government cover ups.  The Lone Gunmen were very popular characters, so it only made sense to let them have their own show... on Friday nights. [Raises hand] "Um, excuse me, Fox execs?  Shouldn't you have put this series on Sunday night as a lead in to The X-Files?  Or does that make too much sense?"  12 episodes and done, the 13th and final episode of the show was reworked and done on The X-Files.
Millennium (1996) - Chris Carter's non-X-Files shows had rocky relationships with Fox, but this one, about ex FBI agent Frank Black working for the shadowy Millennium group as we approached the year 2000 may have been the best.  It was dark, REALLY DARK for television, but it worked well, despite being on Friday nights.  Viewership declined over it's three year 67 episode run until it was canned, and a separate post-show episode that was part of... (you guessed it) The X-Files ended the series.
Space: Above and Beyond (1995) - An interstellar war with an alien race told from the point of view of one squadron of US Marines. Bold and intriguing storytelling along with a realistic future, but poorly scheduled (Sundays this time out, but opposite 60 Minutes), one season of 24 episodes is all we got.
Terminator: The Sarah Conner Chronicles (2008) - An interesting add on to the TERMINATOR franchise, this continued the story of Sarah Conner as she tries to prevent Judgement Day from happening along with her son John and a female terminator.  Fox strung us along for 31 episodes over two seasons, just enough to allow the writers to start a massive story arc... and then announced the show would not be back for season three.  SyFy has the rights to reruns, no word yet on if it may actually be returning.
Terra Nova (2011) - A Steven Speilberg produced show about humanity time traveling back to pre-historic Earth to start civilization over. Oh, and did we mention dinosaurs?  Again this sounds fantastic on paper.  Fox thought so to, or they wouldn't have green lit the show.  But the reality is dollars, and with a cost of $4 million per episode, Fox decided not to renew the show for a second season after airing all 11 episodes.  Netflix is rumored to be interested in resurrecting it.
There of course are others. Tru Calling, Werewolf, M.A.N.T.I.S, hell, even Fringe could be included in this group.  There are more and will be more.  Fox is the bane of Sci-Fi.  And even if SyFy isn't interested, maybe someone can bring these shows back from the ether... <>

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Movie Collector

So, I've been conducting an inventory of my apartment, and I am somewhat shamed to admit that I just logged my 1667 DVD/BluRay.

Yes, even I was a bit surprised at the number.  One Thousand, Six Hundred and Sixty Seven titles.  Granted, when you work in video stores for 16 years, you tend to acquire some of your own inventory.  Most were purchased at good deals, (or won for trivia knowledge), but I just cant seem to stop buying.


And that number doesn't include films on OTHER mediums, like digital copies or LaserDisc or even. (gulp) VHS. (Yes, even I still have a few of those barbaric relics laying about.) but still, this means that I could conceivably watch a new film every night for four and a half YEARS with no repeats.

The question now becomes, does anyone REALLY need this many movies?  I mean, there are some nights that I don't watch a film at all.  Some of the films on the shelf are ones I have seen several times, and some of them are ones I have never watched, just bought on someone's say so and never got around to them.

Please tell me I'm not the only one with this problem!  Is there a movie buying group or program I can check myself into?

Hello, my name is Shaun, and I have a problem...