Monday, November 5, 2012

Recycling Your Collectibles

One of the things that geeks, (and most people in general) probably accumulate a lot of over their life times is collectables.  Now, not to point fingers, but I am an obsessive collector.  I have a movie collection, autographs, action figures (NOT dolls.  Don't go there), books, video games, toys, movie paraphernalia and more that I don't care to think about.  I haven't had to break down and rent a storage unit yet, but I'm sure my mom would like me to move some of my stuff out of her garage and basement.

Last year I was complaining about all of the Star Trek T-shirts I had purchased over the years at different conventions or what-not.   Most of them didn't fit, (There you go judging again, I was in high school!) but being the obsessive collector, and because each of them did have some sort of assigned meaning to them, I couldn't bring myself to just toss them away.  There had to be something that could be done.  I hit upon the idea of making a blanket with them.  Cutting up the panels of the shirts and then  sewing them together into one collage.  Great idea, and one that of course, I did nothing with.  (I think that's something else I collect: wasted opportunities!)

My girlfriend Mel decided it should not be so, and embarked on a sneaky, underhanded campaign of lies, secret meetings and clandestine projects.  In simpler words, she surprised me with it for Christmas.

Not only is this bad boy HUGE, (I like big blankets), eco friendly (since we're recycling) but it's incredibly warm, and with the sudden cold snap we're experiencing here, I love pulling it out of the closet and snuggling up with it.  Our next project involves all those old, cheaply made Concert T-shirts that shrunk as soon as you got them home.    Have any of those lying about you want to recycle?

Oh, and check out TeeFury, QWERTee, and Shirt.woot, these sites have new shirts daily, only available for 24 hours. There are other shirt sites, but these are my favorites. (And obviously, they're not helping my compulsive disorder.)


  1. My mom had a blanket made for my brother out of all of his Boy Scout shirts, so he could have a way to remember his time in the organization without having to store a bunch of shirts. I think it's a fantastic way to display your t-shirt collection!

  2. Haha, that's awesome! I had never seen that done before, but it is a good idea.
