Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Star Trek 101

Over on Traveling The Vortex, we focus mainly on Doctor Who, but each of the three of us are very well versed in other areas of fandom as well.  My particular cornerstone is Star Trek.  Many of our listeners have requested that we do a primer for Star Trek, so as to facilitate their watching of that series as well.  After all, this year marks the shows 46th anniversary (it started in 1966) it's spawned 7 television series, 11 movies, and a massive merchandising empire, to say nothing of it's effect on Geek and pop culture.

And so, with all humility, I present my short audio cast, (it comes in at 31 minutes, so if you are time conscious or would prefer to download it for listening in the car during a commute or something, check out our iTunes feed) or what we've come to term a "side trip", for those interested in dipping their toes into the waters of Star Trek...

Star Trek 101 Podcast...


  1. It's always awesome when a show can transcend generations! Really great post!

  2. Your podcast was great!! thanks for sharing! I love how you broke down the episodes in detail and even described the new blu ray version of star trek. I would love to do this sort of thing with some of the episodes of my favorite tv shows.
